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I spent a solid 40 minutes parousing each and every shelf in there. They have EV-ER-Y-TH-I-NG you could possibly want to buy organic: an array of herbal teas like you've never seen before, foods from organic granola to sweet chocolate-alternatives to whole grain pasta, natural deodorant and lip gloss, and a shelf of holistic pills for any ailment--from bug bites to insomnia to gastrointestinal discomfort (Humorously, they were all out of the remedy for "Irritability due to Stress and Lack of Sleep. I'm serious. Or else I would have purchased some.)
This was a profound experience for me. Whenever my mom used to give me any kind of natural remedy, I would a) take bribes that were to my advantage b) run away or c) take it, then spit it out quickly. I have grown up a little since then, and today's experience made me really appreciate broadness of the category ORGANIC. It can permeate every aspect of our daily routine if we let it.
Visit Mother Nature's Website right now and find out what you've been missing!
-Taylor Halbig
Hey! That's near my house!